Sunday, July 22, 2012

Liparis loeselii, in a Most Unexpected Place

This May, Lindsay and I came across a single flowering plant of Liparis loeselii in a shrubby old-field on our property in northern Indiana. 

Liparis loeselii is an inconspicuous orchid found in states and provinces throughout the northeastern half of North America.  However, it is listed as a species of conservation concern in seven states, and most occurences of the species are from areas around the Great Lakes and New England states.  Although most of the documented habitats from which Liparis loeselii is known are calcareous wetlands (such as fens, pannes, sedge meadows, marshes, marly lake margins, forested seeps, and wet peaty or sandy meadows), it is sometimes found in the more acidic conditions of bogs, and it also occurs in previously open and disturbed areas that are naturally becoming reforested.  Such is the case on our property.

For my account of finding this species on our property, see my recent post at Through Handlens and Binoculars.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Indiana Sand Country in May

In continuing to catch up from my excursions this spring, I recently posted about surveys I conducted in late May and about several sand prairie and savanna species that grow in northwest Indiana on Through Handlens and Binoculars.  One of those, of course, is the wildly charismatic Lupinus perennis var. occidentalis.

Lupinus perennis var. occidentalis
For those of you strictly plant people, you'll have to scroll through the nonsense about a little endangered butterfly to get to the good stuff.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Remember April?

I've been absent from the blogging scene for a couple of months due to other commitments.  Happily, I'm back and have posted one of hopefully several posts on highlights from the last several months, this one on highlights from four botanizing outings in late April, on Through Handlens and Binoculars.

Lithospermum incisum in central Indiana, April 22, 2012
Hopefully more posts to come!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Aralia racemosa

I found some Spikenard blooming in a ravine near Turkey Run State Park yesterday. I was not familiar with this plant, and it was fun to find it clinging to the rock wall.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Asiatic Dayflower

Commelina communis was named for three Dutch botanists. All named Commelin, two were accomplished in their field (hence the showy blue petals), but the career of the third was cut short by an early death, (signified by the small, white petal). This is a common plant of shady, damp dooryards and other places around homes, especially in cities.